Sunday, October 31, 2010


We had our first snowfall of the season last night, only about an inch, but enough to cover the ground. I remember last years first snowfall when Harley went running around using his nose like a snowplow (Barley did not join the household until February). This year there was no reacti0on from either Dog, perhaps because of the small amount. Unfortunately, we will be finding out the reaction to larger snowfalls soon!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dogs on Television

Harley and Bailey have two very different reactions to the television. Bailey does not seem to recognize pictures or the sound on the television. Harley on the other hand, if for example "The Dog Whisperer" is on the television will go right up to the screen and start whining. The first time this happened he tried looking around the back of the television, smelling everything. He was mystified, he could hear and see a dog but could not smell one. Usually when a dog appears on the television Harley will go to the screen and whimper and whine. Then Bailey will come running, ignore the television, and look around for whatever has got Harleys' attention.

Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well, I thought I was being smart last night, before we went to bed, I gave the dogs some kibble, and then let them out, thinking that should take care of the calls of nature and eliminate the need to get up at 4.00 am for food. The dogs enjoyed their snack but then...................yes they got me up at four anyway. I cannot figure out how they know what time it is. I have to get this figured out before we put our clocks back on November 7th.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Doggie beds

When Harley joined my household he came with his own bed. So when Barley joined in I purchased one for him. At first he refused to lie upon it, so Harley had a choice of the two beds, and appeared to randomly choose on or the other. After a couple of weeks of this I literally pulled Bailey's legs out from under him and lay him down on his bed. Now, Harley will still select whatever bed he feels like when both are free but Bailey will only sleep on his own bed. If Harley is on it Bailey is quite happy to use the floor, he never attempts to use Harley's.

Monday, October 25, 2010


That is the time Bailey got me out of bed this morning. I got out of bed, fed both dogs, let them out (they went out but did not stay long because it was raining) and after letting them back in I went back to bed. However that was not good enough for them, they wanted petting and hugging! I eventually coached them into lying down and actually got another hours sleep! Here in my home office, Bailey asleep behind my chair. Usually Harley parks himself under my desk. Recently, however, he has adopted a spot behind the desk, where he is out of sight. A couple of times recently, I have left the room closing the door behind me. Yes, you guessed it - shutting Harley in. After a few minutes I wonder where he has got to, realize what has happened and open the door. He does not complain or make a fuss. If I shut Bailey in I am sure he would be barking immediately!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Wet Paws

Today it is raining - a gentle rain but nonetheless raining. My two dogs, who have the Newfoundland's love of water in their blood refuse to go out. They hate rain. I do not know whether it is the rain in their faces or wet paws but they refuse to go out. If the rain stops and I take them down to the river I am sure they will jump right in with glee, but they will not go out in the rain!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Harley's tricks

Well, Harley was up to his old tricks again yesterday. I do not allow him to run loose. I know from experience that he comes home eventually, but it is against the municipal by-laws for dogs to run loose (I wish they had one for cats as well) and I do not want him to end up in the hands of the dog catcher. I am also worried that he could get hit by a passing car. Since he has the ability to open doors I had to install hook and eye closures near the top of the door to keep him in. Yesterday, whilst coming in with a couple of bags of groceries, he squeezed past me and before one could say Jack Robinson, was across the street chasing the cats. When this has happened in the past he teases me by letting me get to within a few feet of him before taking off again. This time I followed him for a while and then sat on a chair which happened to be available. Well that ruined the game for him. He came towards me and was easy to put on the leash. However, the bad news was that he had passed through a burr bush, and was covered with burrs! I had to spend the next couple of hours de-burring him. Oh well, at least he was patient with me!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A bad day

I do not know what the problem was but Bailey had a bad day yesterday. He was grumpy and bad tempered. He bared his teeth at Harley several times, and even snapped at me (although he apologized immediately afterwards). Harley just ignored him and walked away. I guess that dogs, like humans can have good and bad days. Today he is back to his hug able self!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I wish I could get a good nights sleep. Both dogs got me out of bad at 4.00 am this morning. Whilst I would rather they go out than have an accident in the house, I think they really were telling me they wanted their breakfast.

Monday, October 18, 2010


I used to question Bailey's intelligence, however, although I do not think he is as smart as Harley, I think that most of the problem is that he is extremely stubborn. That stubbornness is probably how he survived the first three years living in hostile conditions in Northern Quebec with some 177 other dogs. Below is a picture of Bailey.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


I thought today a photo of Harley would be appropiate. As usual he is asleep at my feet!

Friday, October 15, 2010


Bailey cannot make his mind up whether he is a leader or a follower. When the dogs are out loose he is always running behind Harley, by about 10 feet. Yet he is the more agressive one of the two.
Today it is raining and neither dog wants to go out for the calls of nature. I am really going to have to build a doghouse for them! Not that I would spoil them! I was strict this morning I had to go out for a few minutes and did not give them their usual treat when I came in. Mainly because I know I am going out again, and I have to limit their treats because they tend to be overweight.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Today I am going to say a little about Harley. Harley is a very intelligent dog, a bit on the lazy side and mischievous. Right now he is asleep on the floor just behind me. He had not been with me very long when he discovered how to open the front door by stuffing his nose behind the knob and pushing up until he heard a click, and then moving backwards thus opening the door. He would then go and investigate the neighborhood. This would not have bothered me except for the traffic and the fact that it against the law in my township for dogs to run loose. I definitely did not want the dog catcher to get hold of him. There is a family of cats across the street, great for chasing! After escaping, I would thus go and try to catch him. However, he would play with me, stopping and waiting until I got close and then running off. What a tease! Tomorrow I will start with Bailey.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It all began with ....

My old dog Charky was reaching 15 and I knew that she did not have much longer to live. She had been with me since she was a puppy, coming to me via the humane society. I knew I was going to be very lonely without her so I started looking for another dog. It was not my intention to actually get another dog until she had passed, but I came across an an for a 2 year old Shepard- Nefoundland cross. Since Charky was a Labrador- Newfoundland cross I thought it a good idea to check this one out. Enter Harley into my life. He and Charky got along great, and it is not often one gets the chance to adopt a 2 year old, intellegent, fully trained 105 pound dog. As time passed, Charky deteriorated, finally passing away on December 27th, 2009. I was very upset, and Harley appeared lonely, so I started looking for a companion for Harley. Brousing the internet I came across an organization called Newf Friends, whose purpose in life is to rescue and find homes for Newfoundland dogs (although they do help all breeds). And there was this dog named Hudson. Futher investigation, and a house visit, convinced the rescue organization that Harley and I were fit to provide a home for Hudson. Since I did not particullary like the name Hudson, I immediatly started calling him Bailey. Hence the life and times of living with two large and strong dogs began.